This site is devoted to uphold
Freedom and Science
and the divine inseparable unity of the human
Body - Spirit - Soul
Bought Science - Gekaufte Forschung
Good Hate
- Scientific Good Hate
- 🇺🇸 23/11
disinfo.chronicle Scientific
American's Good Hate Editor in Chief -
'leaves' after 4.5 years of good hate - comments of many
many remaining Good Haters - Good Hate: math
is racist
Why would Scientific American fire the Good Hater after 4,5
yrs of Good Hate? Is it that Trump has been elected and
Scientific American fears that Good Hate is now taken and
judged as what it simply is - Hate?
Ethnic Cleansing 2.0 - the critical professor
- 🇩🇪 24/12 ET Wer
stört, muß weg! buch
iNazismus: Undeutsche, upps kritische, Wissenschaft wird
dem Feuer überantwortet 2.0 - Recht auf Schein..
Evil science
- Gain of function
- 🇺🇸 24/12 nass Brain
washed Nobel Laureates start crying after Trump win and
initiate anti-democratic letter to senate to not confirm RFKjr.
They support Frankenstein food and
- Attack on brain and
Attacking our genes was yesterday, mRNA is the outcome.
Ever asked yourself why nobody defends nothing anymore? Not
even the own children. Our grandfathers would have, often did,
give their lives to defend their family. So what happened?
- 🇩🇪 Michael Nehls "Das
indoktrinierte Gehirn" (Buch 2023)
--> Interview
<-- oval
Das indoktrinierte Gehirn präsentiert einen neurobiologischen
Mechanismus, dessen meist unbemerkte, aber
mannigfache Störung diesen katastrophalen Entwicklungen
zugrunde liegt.
PD. Dr. Michael Nehls, Mediziner und international
renommierter Molekulargenetiker, legt in diesem Buch eine
erschütternde Indizienkette dar, die darauf hinweist, dass
sich hinter diesen zahlreichen negativen Einflüssen ein gezielter,
meisterhaft ausgeführter Angriff auf unsere
Individualität verbirgt mit dem Ziel, den Menschen ihre
Fähigkeit zum selbstständigen Denken zu nehmen.
The cult of "Trust the science"
garantia de uma vida humana é o Deus
garantia da liberdade do cidadão é a nação
- cada uma igualmente valorosa
A garantia da segurança do humano é a família
„Nun aber bleiben Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe,
diese drei;-aber die Liebe ist die
größte-unter ihnen.“
O conteúdo dos 'links'
representam a opinião e pontos de vista individuais dos autores
dos links e não necessariamente aqueles do autor do site
Contato: As letras '', '', e '' em frente de
Atualização: 9.11.1984