MM811 - 2° semestre 2015

 (Co)homology products, characteristic classes, and Morse field theory
a.k.a. Homology II

Lingua: English (Português se a audiência faz votos)
Creditos: As notas serão baseadas numa palestra (seminário) do estudante no último parte do semestre
  1. basic notions of homology
  2. general point set topology (compactness, connectedness, etc).
  3. elementary techniques of smooth manifolds
Lecture Notes: Yes. They will be written in LaTeX and complement the Lecture Notes LN 2-2014 (which are extensive, but not yet complete).
Course web page on:

(Co)homology products, characteristic classes, and Morse field theory

The lecture course has three parts. The first two parts cover products and operations in classical (co)homology theories and could be named Homology II whereas in part three our aim is to recover these notions using Morse theory. From now on and throughout we shall work with coefficients in the field Z/2Z which simplifies the theory considerably: Mod two (co)homology groups of a topological space are vector spaces (as opposed to modules). Our main text will be the (freely accessible) recent book by Hausmann.

    In Part I, which is a natural continuation of our course “Introdução à homologia” given in 2014-1, we start off with a quick recap of simplicial and singular (co)homology. Then we introduce the cup product in cohomology, thereby turning the cohomology vector space into a ring. The ring structure is very powerful: It allows to distinguish some topological spaces whose cohomologies are isomorphic as vector spaces. Further topics are cap product, cross product, and the Künneth formula. Applications of the latter include Euler characteristics of product spaces and the Thom isomorphism theorem.

  In Part II, turning to manifolds and vector bundles, we shall explain Poincaré duality, the Gysin homomorphism, as well as intersection and linking numbers. Furthermore, we discuss cohomology operations, such as Steenrod squares, and characteristic classes, such as Stiefel-Whitney classes. If time permits we will touch Thom's celebrated cobordism theory.

    In Part III we aim to recover (as many as possible of) the above structures in terms of the Morse-Witten complex, thereby understanding and providing the easy to grasp toy model for advanced topological Quantum Field Theories such as Floer homology.




Characteristic classes

Topological Quantum Field theory

Joa Weber
